Today, let’s see how to make homemade mozzarella cheese. I must say it’s not super easy, but where’s the fun without the challenge, right? So, arm yourself with patience, and let’s see the simple ingredients we need to make the Italian dairy masterpieces.
MILK 5 liters
CREAM 250 ml
YOGURT 150 g
RENNET 2 teaspoons
SEA SALT 150 g
WATER 1 liter

1) Put the milk in a large pot.
2) Add the fresh cream and yogurt, and mix well.
3) Place the pot on the stove and heat the milk to a temperature of 38°C – 100°F.
4) Turn off the heat, remove the pot from the stove, and add the 2 teaspoons of rennet. Stir well, cover with the lid.
5) Wait for about 45 minutes for the milk to curdle.
6) After about 45 minutes, cut the curd into slices using a knife, as if cutting large slices of cake.
7) Cover again and let it rest for another 30 minutes. Break the curd into small pieces and put it back on the stove until it reaches a temperature of 46°C – 115°F.
8) Remove from the heat again, stir well, cover with the lid, and let it rest for 3 hours.
9) Drain the curd. Using a skimmer, transfer it from the pot to a colander. Press it slightly to remove the whey and let it drain for about ten minutes.
10) Meanwhile, prepare the brine by adding 150 g of salt to 1 liter of cold water in a large glass bowl. Stir to dissolve the salt. (It won’t dissolve completely, but don’t worry, the important thing is that the water is cold because it will be used to cool the homemade mozzarella cheese.)
11) In another pot, pour about 3 liters of water and heat it to a temperature of about 90°C – 192°F.
12) Take the curd, cut it into slices, and put it in a bowl. Add enough boiling water to cover it. Using a wooden spoon, work the curd to stretch it. If the curd hasn’t stretched enough and the water in the bowl has cooled down, replace it with more water at 90°C – 192°F.
13) Continue until the curd stretches wonderfully. Shape it into balls, trying to close them at the bottom, and put them in the cold water prepared earlier.
As mentioned earlier, it’s not easy, but you can watch all the steps in the video.