We could call it “Arancello” or orange liqueur. It’s very easy to make, and we can enjoy it after just a few days of preparation. So, what’s better than a nice glass of orange liqueur to warm up our winter days?

Let’s see what few ingredients we need and how to make it.








300 ml


350 ml


120 g




1) In a jar with an airtight lid, pour 300 ml of 96% alcohol and let the peels of 2 oranges and 1 lemon macerate for 3 days (try to use only the colored part and discard the white part because it’s bitter). This process will extract the essential oils from our citrus fruits.

2) After 3 days, put 350 ml of water in a saucepan.

3) Add 120 grams of sugar to the water.

4) Place the saucepan on the stove with the flame on low, and as soon as the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat and let the “syrup” cool.

5) When the syrup is cold, using a strainer, pour the flavored alcohol into it.

6) Mix well and bottle it.

The Orange Liqueur is ready. Usually, it’s advisable to wait a couple of months before tasting our homemade liqueur, but I can’t resist, and after a couple of days, I do the tasting 😂.



Keep in mind that you can prepare different types of orange liqueur by simply changing the type of oranges you use.

For example, Navel orange liqueur, Tarocco orange liqueur, Sanguinello orange liqueur, Valencia orange liqueur, … and so on.